Friday, June 22, 2007

The Great Depression

She painted it. That silly, goatesthetics-challenged goatmother painted the best goat toy EVER! What COULD she have been thinking?! Now we are banned from it until something called 'gudndreye' happens. When the toy is 'gudndreye' we can go back on it. Until then there is a huge prison-style fence blocking the way. Tomorrow no doubt she'll post a guard. I am SO depressed. Maybe the toy will get out for good behavior. I might even be willing to give that a try myself - the good behavior part, not the getting out. I mean what is there to get out for? After all, all the Peanuts are in here. Good behavior. That's a bit of a hard alfalfa pellet to swallow. I'll have to think about that a bit. Hmmm...within depression the seeds of desperation are born. (or is it the other way around?)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Marigold,
    I am sorry to hear about this tragic news!! We goats need our toys and, we don't much care about paint jobs! However, I'm sure the Goatmother, with that wonderful Virgo mind, only hoped to make it more beautiful and rain worthy than it already is!
    How long can it take for that paint to dry???? Down here where there's ticks, snakes and poison oak, there is also sunshine!! Might take an hour to dry!
    But, you just might need to hold tight, dear Marigold....could take a while from what I hear about your recent weather forcast!! Maybe you can dust that ole stump off and use it till the paint dries.....
    The Sweet Pea


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)