At any rate, the goatmother rolled her eyes and sighed. Time to go get the whisk broom and the dust pan - again. So the goatfather marched off to get said paraphernalia and came back to begin the countdown for Lunar Launch II. As one might have been predicted, those early morning launches rarely see success. Just as before, the little fellow extended his wings and floated nonchalantly to the earth.
Back to the shelf in the old chicken coop. Now since the bat was found just outside the barn, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he was headed for the Sacred Grain Room. In fact I'm pretty sure I heard some cursing and mumbling coming from that dust pan on its way back to the old chicken coop. Of course I can't be completely sure. Nonetheless, upon reaching the old coop, it was found that somebody new was already there waiting. Who knew? This time, however, the goatmother had her wits about her and got a picture as proof. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words isn't it?

Gadzooks. Now you need a belfry for your bats.
Good Golly Marigold!!
The Bat is back!!! How cool is that??!!! You have your very own live Halloween decoration!!
By the way, what kinds of treats will you be getting for your " Trick or Treat " snacks???
de donna is getting apples for Mishia and me to bob for cause we love apples. GoaTee wants Brussels Sprouts ( YUK )!! The Dirty Sisters will eat anything!!
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