Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How Time Flies!

As of last Friday, it has been one year since I came to live here and savored my very first Peanut. I can not even begin to remember a time without them. Oh, Sacred Peanuts! One whole year. As a great philosopher once said, "All that we know comes from sense experience, and from reflection upon experience." - John Locke

Word!, Bro. Life is good!


  1. Marigold! You look so beautiful! You are a lucky girl!

  2. Dear Marigold,
    I am sure glad the Goatmother found you! You are the best dang philosopher I know and a
    great friend.

  3. Ok, Marigold, help me here. My goats won't touch peanuts! AHHH! Sacrilege, I know. After reading you and goatfarmer's blogs for so long, when I got my first goats I rushed out and bought them a big bag of peanuts to woo them with. Not happening. They turn their noses up at them. Any ideas?

  4. Dear DCV,
    Peanuts, I suppose, are an acquired taste. Some of us are connoisseurs - some of us are not. What can I say? I would try animal cookies. Watson and Peanut seem to love these, and although I am embarrassed to admit it, I do partake of these, myself, at times.


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)