Monday, December 3, 2007

Entrepeneureal Endeavor

What a day for weather! Wind and rain. Rain and wind...then more wind and rain. Some places on the coasts of Washington and Oregon had winds over 100 miles an hour. I have to say I am very relieved to be living where I do. You see, in our area, a phenomenon occurs called the Olympic Rain Shadow. What happens is that the storms come in off the Pacific Ocean, hit the Olympic Mountains, and literally bounce over and around us. One can look at a radar image and see all other parts of western Washington getting massive amounts of rain, but there will be this nice little hole right over where we live. Because of this, it is often referred to as 'the blue hole'.

Of course we still did get quite a lot of rain here (as you might have heard), but we didn't get nearly as much as everyone else. In fact, in Bremerton, which is about an hour away and very close to where I was born, they recorded 12.75 inches of rain. I am not sure if this was in 48 hours or in 24 , but either way, that is lot of water. I believe my dear friend, and little Mr. Peanut's grandmother, Baby Belle, may be treading water by now. In my opinion, it is a very good thing goats have four legs instead of only two. This means two more oars in the water when necessary.

Anyhow, with all this sogginess, I have been passing my time in the barn (since I am most certainly not going outside) in deep thought. I have come up with a bright idea for a new business. I think I can market it quite well in this region, possibly Oregon, and well, probably quite a few places. What is it, you ask? My plan is to create fashionable little inflatable devices specifically for goats - useful for unexpected flooding or pre-planned vacations to the Bahamas...or Hawaii. And what will these devices be called? Why 'Floaties for Goaties', of course! Naturally I plan to be spokesgoat and primary model. First, however, I need to come up with a prototype. After that I believe it would be most efficacious to do preliminary testing on Boo. Anything that can keep something that size afloat is most definitely an effective product. Good thing the pond is really full at the moment. Now if the wind would just die down.


  1. Marigold, Please let me know how your endeavor goes, as I would like to be in the front of your customer line. You may have heard that last year we here in areas of the Midwest had a great deal of rain ourselves. At one point our creek encroached on our corral/barn area and I greatly feared for the goats who live here. Since no Floaties for Goaties were available, I was contemplating teaching them how to climb trees. I think they would prefer the floaties.

  2. Dear Yang,
    Yes, climbing trees is definitely out. If you have Nubians or mini-Nubians, you might consider teaching them to fly. Mini-Nubians are much better at it, however.

  3. Marigold,
    I have a herd of Kikos, a Nigerian Dwarf (the beauty of the bunch, of course) and two pygmies.
    What is your learned opinion of their capacity to fly?

  4. O'k, dear buddy.......
    I'll take two of your
    FLOATIES for GOATIES. Me and GoaTee want to put them on the Dirty Sisters and see if they can float in the pond......... or not!
    Bhhhaaaaa Haaaaaa Haaaaaa

  5. Dear Yang,
    Flying Kikos? I think not. Far too much muscle. Better suited to jumping over. Flying Pygmies? Is this like when pigs fly? No. I suppose not. They are small. Probably better suited to going under. Flying Nigerians? Ah, yes. I definitely see possibilities here. While the ears are not shaped at the proper angle for direct flight, I can see where they might be useful for rotary-type action...much like a two-bladed helicopter.

  6. So... the Kikos will have to hurdle the water, the pygmies will have to learn to hold their breath underwater, and the ND gets to fly over and above it all. Priscilla will love it and feel it's her due.


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)