Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Great AH-HA!

Hey-ho! Watson here! Surprised, aren't you? Believe me, no one is as surprised as am I. Marigold is such a prima donna. Nonetheless, it is I, Watson, solver of mysteries and all around nice guy.

I had occasion to ponder the tale of the snake. It was a mystery, and obviously Marigold wasn't making any attempt to solve it. So, I began to reflect upon the facts at hand. First of all, why would a snake be interested in digging? Then, why would a snake even consider hanging out with a human? After deep ratiocination, considering every angle, I was able to shed light on the enigma. Really it was as plain as the grass is green. Obviously the goatmother is a parselmouth.
"Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing age." (Sherlock Holmes, His Last Bow)


  1. What a nice looking goatie.

  2. Watson, are you as smart as you look?

  3. Dear goatfarmer,
    Let's just say around here, I HAVE to be.

  4. Watson I can see the goatmother buys you nice jewelry. You never know when one might faint and is unable to call home.

  5. Watson-
    I'm as big a fan as the world of wizzardry and Hogwarts as the next person, and I desperately want to believe that the goatmother is, in fact, a parselmouth. But 4 years of college education with philsopher jesuits has me wondering if you are familiar with Ockham's Razor? I know you're something of a pragmatist, but perhaps Marigold could explain it to you nonetheless.

  6. Dear Kathryn and Ari,
    lex parsimoniae


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