Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Witch

She's at it again. This is madness, MADness, MADNESS, I say... A monster has been unleashed. Oy.

Shut up, Marigold. Leave me alone. Go eat some Peanuts why don't you?


  1. Thats a really cute witch. Marigold you better watch out or the next felted item may be you!

  2. I love your craftiness, MaryAnn! I am just learning to crochet, and want to make Christmas gifts for my family, probably just dishcloths since there are 5 siblings and their families. Guess I better get started on that. Good luck with your felting. I'd like to take some craft-making classes soon. Thanks for your post, and take care. Give a peanut to Marigold for me.


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)