Friday, January 22, 2010

What Will Humans Think Of Next?

Well, some humans have a bit of imagination. Who knew? Check out this link to see what this marvelously talented human came up with. Although I have to say I am a bit worried about why they chose to paint the Peanuts. That simply has to affect the flavor. Ah, well, it gives me something new to worry about other than whether all this rain is going to drown out this year's Peanut crop. "That's the secret to life... replace one worry with another....” - Charlie Brown. Oy.


  1. Well that was cute! But I can see that from the point of view of a peanut connoisseur like yourself how that would be a waste!

  2. What a desecration of the fine peanut. How sad, what's next in this word?

  3. Love your blog! I just subscribed.


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)