Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Omen

Hey, Ho! Peanut here! I just wanted to let you know that hell is freezing over ... and I think pigs are flying too. This morning the goatmother trimmed Marigold's hooves without the aid of the goatfather. Auntie actually got up on the stand all by herself. There was only minor kicking and the goatmother's bum remains remarkably bite free.

Needless to say, the goatmother has been singing songs and dancing little jigs ever since. Does she expect it to happen again? The answer would be a resounding 'not on your life!' Nonetheless, she's giving serious consideration to going out and buying a lottery ticket just the same.
"Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have got it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known." - Garrison Keillor.


  1. Dear Peanut,
    A lot of very strange things have also been happening around my neck of the woods during the past week. Maybe it's those cosmic rays from Jupiter or something...

  2. Wow, do you suppose that would happen here too if I tried it with Coffee? Hmmm....

  3. Maybe it was a weak moment; maybe she's just growing up and mellowing out. Do goats actually mellow with age?

  4. Yes a flock of pigs flew over our barn last fall right before Tangy went to the fair. Must have been the same ones just getting to Sequim. It's a long flight for a pig. But worth it.

  5. Dear Teresa, I can't imagine Auntie ever being *mellow*.

    Dear Sue, Opposite day for Mercury in retrograde?

    Dear Claire, Peanuts. Peanuts are the ticket.

    Dear goatfarmer, I should have known you'd be behind anything as sinister as flying pigs.

  6. Marigold-
    I don't know retrograde from poptarts (opposite or otherwise), but I think there's been a disturbance in The Force.
    And if Mercury's involved, he'll probably get a
    What-For from Mars...


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)