Friday, June 4, 2010

Sunrise, Sunset ...

... quickly flow the days.

Happy Birthday my ornery little nephew. Your grandmother would be proud!

Just as an aside ... we have had rain everyday since May 16th. I am thinking seriously of building an ark. I wonder just how many Peanuts an ark can hold?


  1. Well...I guess that depends if it is just you and the peanuts on the ark or if you are planning on sharing the ark with any one else!

  2. Dear Melodie,
    And, of course, that depends on whether or not they plan to let me have all the Peanuts or not.

  3. Oh, the babies are cute. I hope you can dry out a little bit.

  4. We are finally having rain after none since March! Cute babes.

  5. Dear Lisa,
    We'll send you some. We have lots to spare.

  6. Such a handsome boy! But then, I'm particularly partial to black and white boy goats. :-)

  7. Happy Birthday to you, Peanut!


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)