Tuesday, June 8, 2010

True Confessions 2

Yesterday was Boo's birthday. Okay, I bit Watson in her honor. Besides she is too old and corpulent to do it herself. Hey! Works for me.


  1. You could rent your self out for biting! Your add could read"Do you really want to bite someone but don't like that furry after taste? I'm your goat! I bite cheap!"

  2. Dear Melodie,
    Why, Yes! Of course! I could say I work for Peanuts!!!

  3. Oh Marigold, you are the wittiest goat I know, and you have an amazingly cute way about you. Keep being you!

    Your long distance admirer in Canada,

  4. NO biting in the barnyard. PERIOD.


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)