Monday, February 28, 2011

And The Beat Goes On

So as if 9 or so inches of snow wasn't enough, it did it again last night and this morning. No one predicted it. (Remember? All the Woolly Boogers quit working for the weather predictors due to poor working conditions.) Anyway, I know I've had quite enough of snow and of ELLA! Oy. Spring, Spring, wherefore art thou, Spring??? I think I'm getting S.E.D.s - Serious Ella Distemperament. Oh, Woey is me.


  1. I think the goatmother and I should just give up and meet somewhere temperate to await the spring... For we have no fur and lest they are spicy, peanuts have no insulating value...white wine spritzers with tiny umbrellas, however, make me all cozy inside...

  2. Dear Lisa,
    Oy, you've done it. There'll be NO living with the goatmother now.

  3. If I don't see something green soon I shall scream and stamp my feet.......

  4. What is enough? Enough. Enough is enough. Enough already with the snow. Enough already with the winter.


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)