Sunday, April 17, 2011


The sun came out today. It has been so long. I think it forgot how and hurt itself , because then it went back in. And then it came out again. Oy. If you were that big, wouldn't you think you could make up your mind? Will the sun shine, or will it be cloudy and rain? Unlike the sun, I prefer to think positively. We WILL have sunshine! I am an optimist if nothing else. How else could I make it through the day? " The optimist lives on the peninsula of infinite possibilities; the pessimist is stranded on the island of perpetual indecision. " - William Arthur Ward. I think William must have been from the Pacific Northwest.


  1. Coming from a country full of islands, I wonder if Ward has islandophobia. JOKE.

  2. Our sun is undecided today also. I'm glad you noticed my adoption of your "goat's years" terminology. I thought it was very appropriate. :)

  3. We have been waiting on the sun here in Maine too. Just where is it hanging out?

  4. Oh, we have a very decided sun. It has decided NOT to come out!

    Time to adjust the sails.......


  5. Positive thinking has worked for us, and the sun has been hanging out here (in New Zealand) for the whole morning.

  6. Hey, Kelly,
    Apparently New Zealand is where the sun is hanging out. Who knew?

  7. Oh, the sun is shining here in Norway too! :D It's so great, I'm starting to get a tan. Haha, no.


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