Thursday, June 2, 2011

So Here's The Thing ...

You may recall my recent letter to God. Well, you see, He must've had his hearing aid in because he heard me. Really, He did. The very next day we had sunshine. I actually got out of the barn and didn't have to stand by Ella. And I ate grass! Green, luscious grass instead of old dry, dead hay. I breathed the fresh air, romped on my tire, and did I mention I got to eat grass???

That lasted four whole, luxurious days. The problem is that after four days, well, God forgot. Again. I know, I know. We have to be tolerant of the aged, but Great Goats! This is getting rather ridiculous. The normal rainfall for us, for the month of May, is around 1.64 inches. This May we had 3.34. Over half of the month was spent in sousedom. And now it's June - practically summer. Not here. Rain yesterday, today, and a high of 57 degrees. Somebody is being Mr. forgetty-pants.

So, I've been thinking. For someone who actually created Gingko biloba, wouldn't you think He'd be able to remember where he planted it??? Or perhaps it is time to mention Aricept. At any rate, I plan to remain optimistic. Sodden, but optimistic nonetheless. "
I don't believe in pessimism. If something doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead. If you think it's going to rain, it will." - Clint Eastwood. Now ain't that the truth?


  1. Us too, with the rain and the stinky hooves and the babies with respiratory infections and the slugs on the grass. Bleh.

  2. We've had rain for 26 straight days!!!! With showers on the non raining days!! My goats have been going outside anyway.

    I'm getting mouldy!

  3. Gee, Lisas. And I thought we had it bad. Perhaps we should start investing in lumber for an ark? Of course there will have to be more than one. One will have to be exclusively for the goats.

  4. Well Marigold, at least your head is still above water...some of us were beginning to worry about you. You should move the barn to Florida. It is SO dry here I can hear cracking and shriveling from around every corner. Freaky. Even the gators are considering breaking their lease. Please send many large drops and full pails.

    Frantically doing the rain dance.

  5. Marigold! Be careful. Didn't you ever read about Sodden and Gomorrah in the bible? ;)

  6. Oh, Kelly! Ha! Ha! Ha! You probably think I didn't catch that. But I'm not that saturated yet. Besides, God had his hearing aid in again - the sun is out today. And by the way, He told me under no circumstances was Ted to be let near the Peanuts. We must heed the word of the Lord.

  7. Marigold, you need to come visit the little horses in Arkansas. We're finally drying out after 24 inches of rain in May. Along with hail, huge winds, cold temps and lots of Tornado's! Now we're dealing with 95 degree temps with nearly 100% humidity.

  8. I told Ted about the peanut comment. He said he only goes for the peanut butter. Now, I know you are going to say it is just a preference of taste or maybe not haveing taste? LOL. Stay dry sistah! Enjoy your sunshine rays. We have sunshine this morning and it makes all the difference in happy goats.

  9. Dear Hillybilly Cuz,
    NO! Thank you anyway. :)

  10. Definitely a serious mold problem.
    It's been like a Turkish bath here.
    (Not that I've been in a Turkish bath but, you know....)


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