Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday Words of Wisdom

I have noticed that a lot of people have 'Wordless Wednesdays'. Anybody that knows me, knows I have far too much to say for that sort of nonsense. So, I have decided that every Wednesday I will offer you the benefit of some small bit of advice, or perhaps an observation. Who knows where the road may take us, but I can assure you it will be an entertaining ride.

So, here goes. Never, never, never spray your hinges and locks around the barn with WD-40. Goats love this stuff. We lick it off faster than you can spray it. We'd drink it if we could get the goatmother to put that little red tube in our mouths. I think it comes from a goat's inherent need to run a well-oiled machine. But whatever the reason, It just tastes so GOOD. So, if you don't want to have to come out to the barn every so often to check and see if anyone has died in the last few minutes, take my advice and just don't use the stuff. It's waaaay too much of a temptation.


  1. Wonderful tip. I'll remember that one. Also I like the idea of Wordless Wednesday, but not on my blog. I'd just like all the people in my house to shut the heck up for 24 hours. I don't see it happening though...oh well.

  2. J (considering options, feeling impish and shifty)June 15, 2011 at 10:50 AM

    Personally, I like the idea of wordless Wednesday. Quiet rocks.

    As to the WD-40...I wonder if humans like the flavor? You could try it on burgers and such after cooking. It is always good to have flavor enhancers on hand and, if someone overstays their welcome or thoroughly annoys you, just prepare a special WD-40 soup and watch what happens. If you search, I bet you can find someone somewhere blogging about it as I write this....

  3. Marigold, I had no idea. I will keep that in mind. How about olive oil? If you lick that it will just help keep you regular.

  4. MARIGOLD! Stay away from that can -- next thing you know, you'll be huffing or chuffing or bluffing...whatever it is that drug-addicted caprines do...


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