Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wednesday Words of Wisdom

I am currently so far behind that I am saying hello to my tail.  That is pretty hard to do.  Come to think of it, I am not at all sure it is my tail.  It could be someone else's tail.  Or if it is really Boo, it might actually be her head.  One can not always be sure.  Anyway, all I know is the hurrier I go, the behinder I getNothing very wise in that, but it sure explains a lot.  Oy.


  1. That is just how I am feeling lately. By the time I get ahead I will have to go back to school.

  2. Oh, Marigold, it must be your tail -- that's what you see in your delightful, and tastefully-done profile pic. Aren't you just lovely?

  3. Wait a minute...if you are so far behind, then what are you doing writing Wednesday's Words of Wisdom on Tuesday? HEY! Do you think your fans are sleeping? Are you trying to test us?


  4. Thank you for finding the time to visit Planet Penny to leave encouraging words about Henry. Very kind as I don't suppose you have much of an affinity with pussycats. Penny x

  5. Hey, Penny! Thank you for stopping by! You might be surprised about the affinity for cats. The goatmother just lost her very old cat this last Fall. Hope your guy is better very soon!!!!!


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