Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday Words of Wisdom

Okay, just look at this article.  Time for 'News of the DUH'.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Colorado officials have disqualified the grand champion goat from this year's State Fair because they say it tested positive for an unapproved drug.

The Pueblo Chieftain reported Friday that a second goat entered by another child from the same family also was disqualified for the same drug.
Susan Weinroth of Sedalia says the family got a letter from the attorney general's office saying her family's goats tested positive for a feed additive approved for swine but not goats.
She suspects the food may have been tampered with and says the family reported their suspicions to officials. She says the family will appeal.
Disqualification means her daughter and son can't collect their earnings from the sale of the goats, $5,500 for the champion and $1,300 for the other.
(Copyright ©2011 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.) 
You see, being a pig is not a good thing - excuse me, swine.  Pay attention, here, Ella. At the very least, someone tampers with your food.  But no matter what, you are disqualified and they take away all your profit.  Wednesday's Words of Wisdom?  It doesn't pay to be a pig.  Oy.  On second thought, go ahead.  That'll leave all the Peanuts for me.

(Now, be sure to stay tuned because our Little Undead friend is going on yet another Halloween adventure this Friday   Ooo.  I bet you can't wait.  I know I can.)


  1. Goat tampering? Goats pumping iron on steroids? What is the goat world coming to?

  2. Maybe the pigs got into drugs on their own. Unsupervised barnyard bashes lead to these sorts of things...first the drink, then the drugs. It was only a matter of time.

    Waiting with baited breath for this year's adventure of the Lil Undead. By the way, what does he do the rest of the year?

  3. Good goatness, doping is on the rise in the goat world too? Where does it end?


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)