Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reasons To Be Cheerful

Hey!  It is Thursday and that means Reasons To Be Cheerful day!  So, here goes:
Reason To Be Cheerful No. 1 -

Kenny G ???????????????  Oh, goat grief!  Get the hay off here, Goatmother!  This is my blog!  Oy.

Reason To Be Cheerful No. 2 -

It's too cold for slugs.

And Reason To Be Cheerful No. 3 -

Living some place that has some of the best sunsets ever!
Now, be sure to pay a visit to Planet Penny and see what other people have to be cheerful about this week!


  1. Eugh, that slug! Reminds me of living in Wales where the slugs were like Havana cigars, but slimy! Definitely good if it too cold for them to rampage round the garden. And that sky is amazingly beautiful. Thank you for joining in! x

  2. Ya gotta watch that Goatmother every minute! I agree with you on the cheerful. I'm sittin in Florida at my mom's house, it is 78 degrees and sunny. Something not to be cheerful for is the aligator swimming in the lake. I am not thankful for that.

  3. Marigold! Are you feeling okay? Are you not cheerful at the htought of peanuts, many peanuts?

  4. Dear Denise,
    I'm feeling okay. I just didn't want to bore everyone. I am ALWAYS cheerful when it comes to Peanuts.

    Dear Penny,
    Our slugs are like that. Maybe Washington is a suburb of Wales and we didn't know it. :)

    Dear Kelly,
    Get the hay home. Those alligators will eat the Peanuts. Come to think of it, they'll probably eat anything.

  5. We once had an invasion of giant slugs, but ours were a boring shade of Standard Slug Khaki - not trendy cow-print like your slugs are. If we had to have another invasion (and nobody is really keen for one), we would much rather a herd of cow-print slugs.

  6. Wow what a stunning sky.......I love to paint skies most of all, especially clouds........slugs? ......not so much!

    The snowflake pattern is on Lucy attic24 blog, really straight forward, and great results from something so simple.

    Not sure what all this talk is of welsh slugs....I think ours are ordinary, it's all the rest of you that have odd ones!

  7. I'm not going to utter anything about Kenny G, not one word, not one sound. NOTHING. I'm not going to ask when this started or why or how. I'm not going to suggest the goatmother needs help or point her in the direction of some highly recommended self-help books or your local chapter of Kenny G Anonymous.

    I've have heard lobotomies work wonders.

    I am going to suggest that slugs have feelings too. Watch for retaliation next year. You and yours are on the list. As I write this, slug armies are enlisting recruits and battle strategies are being mapped out and refined. Watching summer sunsets may not be as pleasant as they once were....

  8. you just cheered me up!

  9. I agree with Planet Penny. The slug should be fed to a chicken. Kenny G doesn't look to bad. After all, he's a musician like me. You really do have some beautiful sunsets!


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)