Thursday, November 10, 2011

Reasons To Be Cheerful

By golly, here it is Thursday and that means it is Reasons To Be Cheerful day!  Now don't forget to go over to Planet Penny and see what she and others have found to be cheerful about this week.

As for me, there's a lot to be cheerful about this week.  1) -  The Heron lit in the tree and then went on his merry way, not stopping to look for pretty, shiny goldfish the Goatmother put  in our pond.

2) - The Goatmother's weird plant bloomed.


And, saving the best for last.  3) - Looking across the barnyard at the Goatmother's red-neck Hovercraft.



  1. Is that really a flower, or did the Goatmother crochet it? It's extraordinary! I love herons, they look so prehistoric, like Teradactyls! (which I don't know how to spell!) And as for the hovercraft...I'm speechless!
    Thanks for joining in! xxx

  2. Your heron is very handsome! We have one in the ponds next to our house, and they such huge birds aren't they?

    Your weird flower is very exotic looking, what is it?

    Happy thoughts to you and yours!

  3. Dear Penny,
    It is a Stapelia bloom. The only one she has managed to get from that plant. :)

  4. Dear Faith,
    Yes, that Heron is huge. Usually makes us goats snort when he lands in the pond. And, it usually makes the Goatmother yell because it means he is after her goldfish! :) The bloom is a Stapelia and, as I said to Penny, sadly the only one the Goatmother has gotten. So far. Hope springs eternal! :)

  5. These are wonderful things to be cheerful about. I think maybe you should taste her flower and see if it is yummy~that would be good too. Unless of course it's a bad-for-goats plant.

  6. What a beautiful blossom! It does look like something crocheted! How often is it supposed to bloom? If it blossomed one time, then it will blossom again--that is a reason to be cheerful! The goatmother is full of surprises; she is a talented and gorgeous!

    I wonder if the heron was considering flying away with mister no costumes? Out of sight, out of mind. I still can't get that pic out of my head.


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