Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Few, The Faithful ...

Twelve out of sixty?  Not bad.  Those others?  I wouldn't show my face either if I had caused all this.  Come to think of it, I wouldn't show my face in this, period.


  1. Hilarious! I do feel for them, though. They've gotta be cold!!!

  2. I certainly think buried in the barn with a lovely bit of hay would be a much better place to be.

  3. Dear Snowcatcher,
    Yeah, well, there ain't no heater in the barn either.

  4. Dear Teresa,
    Yeah, well, like I told snowcatcher ...

  5. They are still out there?!? ,-)

    Mmmmmm, I have a *Grumpy* post today. Hope you have time to pop over and read it. :-)

    "I'm tired, tired, tired,
    of *new,* *new,* *new*..."


  6. Dear Auntie,
    The ducks are ubiquitous - like flies. Grumpy? Surely you are not part Alpine, are you Auntie?

  7. J(sending reinforcements)January 19, 2012 at 8:55 AM

    I wouldn't be so happy to see those feathered friends. How far are they from the barn or goatparent's house? Mercenaries tend to tolerate the worst elements until they get the job done. A snowy scene makes great cover. Get with the program.


  8. Don't they have oil in their feathers, or some such outlandish mechanism, for staying warm?

    P.S. Are you saying that somewhere out there is a Saruman-duck perched on its tower, quacking in a "fell voice", calling down snow and ice over your little patch of Middle-Earth? No wonder you're staying in the barn. Watch out for avalanches. (And keep away from the Mines of Moria while you're at it.)

  9. Dear Mrs. Micawber,
    I don't know how those ducks manage to stay warm. Especially their feet. They must not have any nerve endings in them. Or maybe they are permanently frostbitten and that is why they are orange? Who knows. But, Oy. I hadn't thought of a Sarumon duck. You may be right. Maybe those are Urduck-hai. I never thought of that either. Oy.


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