Tuesday, January 31, 2012

This Is What Happens If You Are Evil

You may recall that at the conclusion of The Lord of the Wings - The Return of the Thing, the Dark Lord Ellaron, and everything connected with her, was destroyed.  One can liken it to the end of Star Wars where Darth Vadar spins off into space in his out-of-control TIE fighter.  Well guess what? 

The Eye of Ellaron

NASA believes this to be a Nebula ...  but we know the truth of it, now don't we?


  1. J (frightened to look up)January 31, 2012 at 9:54 AM

    Now I am completely freaked out. Something *is* watching us from outer-space. Your picture proves this.

    The question is, "WHY?????"

    Isn't this what all the 2012
    doomsayers are predicting???

    I prefer to think of myself as a non-food source.

    Marigold, why have you put your fans on an emotional roller coaster from hell?????

  2. Dear J,
    Rollercoasters! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  3. Aaaaaugh! We're naked in the dark, with nothing, no veil, between us and the wheel of fire. We can see it with our waking eyes...

    No, wait, that's the Ring.

    I think we're safe as long as we don't eat any peanuts. (Doing that would draw the Eye for sure.) And I personally plan to stay away from all Seeing Stones, Seeing Stumps, Stumping Stones, Stony Seas, and the like. You never know what might look back out at you.

    Perhaps an intergalactic war somewhere will draw the Eye away.

  4. Too funny! I think that was even better than the final installment!

    Here is the link to the goatmother's shutter manual. (It's bigger than 5mb.) Tell her to have fun with it!

  5. Dear Mrs. Micawber,
    Stay away from Peanuts??? Arghhh!
    I am LOST! I need a cloaking device.

  6. Dear Snowcatcher,
    The Eye of Ellaron is no joking matter. The lives of Peanuts may be at stake. At least the final installment had a more or less happy ending. Who knows now?

  7. Dear Millie,
    Quick! Hide the Peanuts!!!!!

  8. But is that the eye of anything or is it a giant intergalactic peanut rushing toward the Earth? What a way to go!

  9. Dear Goatfarmer,
    While it is a nice thought, me thinks you need glasses. It is definitely THE EYE. AIEEEEEEEE!


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)