Tuesday, May 29, 2012


There is a lushness in the landscape this year.
Or is it just that I am seeing it with new eyes?


  1. Eyes wide open me thinks. One thing your making me do is remember. Thank You, some days actually forget about it? A person needs to look, and see, and just be still! Its an entire new world now isn't it?

  2. Both, my friend, both.

  3. Dear Ozarks Goat Girl,
    I think you are right!

  4. Dear Deb,
    Yes, a new world. Well, maybe not new, but I don't know... pristine? Be still and know that I am the Peanut. Oh, wait. I don't think that's exactly the way it goes. :)

  5. Look for the pink and purple sunsets. God's in those clouds!

  6. Watch for the pink and purple sunsets. God's in those clouds. Maybe a whole lot of peanuts also!!

  7. Dear Hillbilly Cuz,
    Oh, LOVE those pink and purple ones! Maybe we'll have some come along soon! I mean there are omens popping up all over the place, right?

  8. I agree... BOTH! We're having a banner yucca year here. Your fireweed, which is the first to pop up in abundance after a fire, is a pink vision of hope!

  9. What Ozarks Goat Girl said!! :)

  10. Dear Snowcatcher,
    LOVE Yucca! Bet it is beautiful! Love Fireweed too! :) So many omens recently...surely it has to mean something. :)

  11. Could be both. Could be both. Aren't you lucky to be surrounded by such beauty? That's got to help.

  12. Dear Ginnie
    Oh, yes! We feel very lucky indeed!

  13. I too think it's both. What a very beautiful picture. How nice to be able to look at mountains whenever you like - they do put things in perspective.

    "There is light, and beauty up there that no shadow can touch."

    From Sue (who is also looking at mountains and thinking of the Goatmother)

  14. Dear Mrs. Micawber,
    Yes, those mountains do make a lot of things better. There is a peace in so much majesty. Thank you for thinking of us and also for coming up with such great quotations. :)


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)