Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Window of Hope

Thank you, Snowcatcher.  (I'm going to have to get a better vocabulary ...)


  1. Oh, wow - Snowcatcher is awesome!

  2. Dear Millie,
    They are beautiful ... and so is your Goatmom! I hope you cherish her!

  3. Dear Ginnie,
    Awesome! That is a good word! She is that and so are you for taking time out of your life to help me along in mine.

  4. What a wonderful thing Snowcatcher did!! They are beautiful!!

  5. Dear Candy,
    That she is, and so are you for being willing to walk this path with me!

  6. They're perfect! Nice work, Deb. :)

  7. Dear Mrs. Micawber,
    I wish I was half as talented as you and the Snowcatcher are! Plus you both take very nice photos. :) Special indeed!

  8. Dear Auntie,
    Precious indeed - just like you and all the other wonderful people willing to be with me on this path.

  9. Hi Marigold,
    I just want you to know you remain in my thoughts and prayers and my 5goats are butting the hay out of cancer though it took several days to teach the Nubians how to do it as they just wanted to t-bone each other. I am looking for GOOD reports from you.

  10. Dear Ozarks Goat Girl,
    Merci beaucoup! (Thank you doesn't seem good enough anymore, so I thought I'd branch out) :) You are very special and we so welcome all the butting - even from the Nubians! :) You know, one thing about Nubians...they are slow on the uptake, but once they have it, they are like Bulldogs and a force to be reckoned with!

  11. You are so right!

  12. Ozark Goats Girl's comment has me cracking up so much, I'm finding it difficult to type! I think butting they hay out of cancer is such a great theme, but I think I like T-boning the hay out of cancer even better!!!

    The Goatmother's window is beautiful. It would make me smile, too!

  13. Love the flakes! Try to catch them on your tongue, Marigold!

  14. Dear J,
    I may try that, although I think it might have been a nicer taste had the Snowcatcher used sugar to harden them. :) Come to think of it though, probably a good thing she didn't. The Goatmother had a crocheted fan one time stiffened that way. She came in one day to find the fan no longer white, but black because it was covered with ants! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!


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