Sunday, June 24, 2012

And So It Begins ...

In the ever advancing onslaught of the side effects of chemotherapy, there is one that stands out to everyone.  Yesterday morning when the Goatmother took her shower, the shampooing routine yielded something new.  Yes, you guessed it, a handful of hair.  Of course they told her this would happen, usually about week three or more.  Monday is the beginning of the Goatmother's 3rd week.  The Goatmother, as I pointed out previously, is sometimes a late bloomer.  I guess not always.  Sometimes she's ahead of the game.  Who knew?  Well, we can't say we weren't expecting this.  Still, when it actually begins, it is somewhat disconcerting.  Sort of like Fall in the Summer.  Or having a La Niña year two years in a row.  Or an Alpine being nice.  Just disconcerting.

Enter our dear friends Mrs. Micawber and the Snowcatcher, two of the brightest stars shining in the night sky.  You may remember that the Snowcatcher was responsible for the Goatmother's lovely 'Window of Hope' filled with graceful pink and white crocheted snowflakes.  But now these two ladies, ever the dab hands at crocheting, have decided to do a  'Hat For A Cause'  campaign in the Goatmother's honor, having created some exquisite patterns that anyone can use (but not sell, of course) to give to someone they know who is experiencing hair loss.  Not only that, but they have graciously included guidelines for materials and information about where, should you not personally know a deserving soul, hats can be donated to help those in need.  Places like hospitals or cancer care centers; and there is a list of organizations to donate hats to as well.  They have thought of everything.

I know I have said this ad nauseum (Can a goat say anything ad nauseum?  Well, except for maybe Boo ...), but the human spirit is simply one of the most beautiful things on this earth.  The fact that Mrs. Micawber's  post of  Operation Marigold  has coincided exactly with the Goatmother's beginning to lose her hair is rather miraculous, don't you think?  Coincidence?  No.  More like serendipitous.  Perhaps Mrs. Micawber has a bit of the *shining* like our friend Claire.  I can't help but wonder - and I'm a pretty wonderful goat. (Ha!  get it?  I just kill me.)

Do please be aware that the Snowcatcher has just finished a grueling bicycle adventure and has not had the opportunity to post her  Operation Marigold  pattern as yet.  However, she is not far behind and we'll let you know when it is up and running.  (Do patterns run?  Maybe only the Goatmother's do, and usually that is backwards, as in taking it out to fix a mistake.) :)

Thank you Mrs. Micawber and Snowcatcher.  More inadequate words trying to convey emotion deeply felt.   Maybe I should express that loving appreciation to Mrs. Micawber and the Snowcatcher  in 'goat' for the Goatmother.  "Baa, ma maaa ma maaaaaa.  Bah maaaah aaaaah Ba."  What does it mean?  You figure it out.  I'm going to get the Goatmother some more Kleenex.

Anyway, the Goatmother is doing pretty well with the condition her condition is in.  Why just this morning the Goatfather walked by her sitting on the couch.  She reached her hand to her head, grabbed a handful of hair and out it came, after which she proffered it to the Goatfather, smiled and said, 'Here'.  The Goatfather walked away laughing.

"We're all born bald, baby."  - Telly Savalas   


  1. I can send some of my fluff if you think the Goatmother would like some.

  2. Dear Turbo,
    You are a truly superior canine. How thoughtful of you to offer. Really. Could you send some Super Glue along with it? :)

  3. Now she can wear her wonderful garden hat all the time! Really bright red bald would not be good. Sunscreen and the lovely gardening hat.

    I'm sure the human could add some Great Pyrenees fur to H. A. Turbofire's generous offer. (Personally, I think I'd stick to the adorable hat.)

  4. Wow, that is good timing! (Although I was secretly hoping the Goatmother wouldn't need any hats. Still, better to be prepared, as the Goat Scouts say.)

    ~ ~ ~

    "We put the thought of all that we love into all that we make...."

    Fellowship of the Ring, Chapter 8

  5. I must try and find somewhere local that may need some hats, you know me, sounds like a good excuse to do some more crochet!

    I have always wondered if goats speak the same dialect as sheep, well, not ours of course as they speak welsh, but you know what I mean?

    Take care.x

  6. Dear Millie,
    Ah, yes, the beloved garden hat! The Goatmother is going to be stylin' in all kinds of ways, eh? Only bad thing about that Great Pyr fur is then she'd be white headed. Although that's probably going to happen, with the Goatmother's luck, when it grows back in anyway. :)

  7. Dear Mrs. Micawber,
    I don't know. Do you suppose we could blame this on you? :) We dared not hope for the best on this one since the Oncologist's nurse said that if the Goatmother didn't lose her hair they were going to worry that the chemo wasn't working. Oh, well... Good thing you are psychic! :)

  8. Dear Faith,
    I bet there is somewhere near you that is in need. Plus, you are right. A good excuse to do some crocheting. You could even skip meal preparations telling the husband its all for a good cause. :) I don't think sheep speak goat. At least not any I've ever heard.

  9. This is a case of, "out with the old and in with the new." At least you know the chemo is working. Personally, I think bald is the bomb.

    Marigold, please tell the goatmother I can send bags of cat fur when required. If you mix and match the tumbleweed fur balls, you will probably come up with something similar to her hair type. Glue on and she is good to go.

    Any other problems, let me know.

  10. I just checked out Mrs. Micawber's hat tutorial, what an awesome post she put together and what a lovely thing she and Snowcatcher are doing!
    I second Millie's advice, the Goatmother should wear a big hat and lots of sunscreen. Hats are very chic ya' know! :)

  11. What a beautiful project, these ladies have done...

    I remember my daughter's bout with cancer, & things like hair loss, & all the "random happenings.<--There is a unique way to put it! -sigh-

    She had a wig, for work. But pulled it off, as soon as she got in the car to come home. Used a pink baseball cap, all the rest of the time. But a soft cap like this, would have been a lovely change over, I'm sure.

    For the upbeat side....When her hair came back in, it was simply beautiful! Wavy, and the greatest of lovely looking grays. Oh my it was beeeeeeeautiful.

    But the wavy-ness didn't last. -pout- So she went back to putting some color on it. But my gracious, it was just beautiful, for a while.

    I know... Not a chosen way, to get beautiful hair, I know.

    Gentle hugs...

  12. Dear J,
    Thank you for your kind offer of the cat fur. Do you suppose, however, if we mix it with the hair Turbo has offered there would occur a cat vs. dog fight on the Goatmother's head? This would not be good. :)

  13. Dear Candy,
    Yes, indeed! All Mrs. Micawber's tutorials are like that! She makes the instructions so clear that even the Goatmother can follow them. :) Plus, she is just an awesome person, which, of course, makes it all just that much better. Yes, hats are a good thing. I think I need one, 'cuz ya' know, I have that white spot on my head which always makes my head look flat.

  14. Dear Auntie,
    Well, the Goatmother has never had the best hair. So, yeah, maybe it will come back in beautiful. I'm guessing, however, with her luck and Mr. Murphy it will probably be white. I suppose then we could call her Snow White. :)

  15. I was hoping against hope this wasn't going to happen, but on the bright side, all my closest friends who have gone through chemo got curly thick hair when it grew back. And one had no more gray!!!

    If hairless is going to make the body heal, then shed away. Bald is beautiful. Just ask my hubby... :)

  16. Dear Snowcatcher,
    Hey, no gray would be good! Wavy would be good, but people keep saying that part doesn't last. But you know, bald is doable and worth it if it will keep this thing from coming back!!!!

  17. Wonderful people out there indeed! Thoughtful, considerate and oh so compassionate too! Your new doo is just in time for Summer and keeping cool. And I love those folks who take the time to be so thoughtful. We all need them, and I hope someday I am paying it back what so many folks have shown me over the years. A person gets busy and you just forget to help sometimes. I hope my support helps in a small way...and I REALLY hope your chemical poison is working wonders besides dissolving the hair roots. It does sound like its working its magic though! Keep up the fight!

  18. Dear DebH,
    Of course you help! And not in a small way either! Well, at the alarming rate the hair is falling out, the Goatmother's 'new do' isn't going to be here long. :) Oh, well! Thanks for traveling along with us! Means a lot!

  19. I have to say from personal experience that my hair looks better than I ever expected after my balding experience. My nickname was Baldybelle for awhile. So I percieve that the Goatmother will be very pleased with the new hair growth. You can see my before and after pic at the bottom of my home page

  20. Dear Buffybelle,
    Oh, going to look now! A big difference! Now then, just how long did this process take??? Did the hair loss diminish your Super Powers any???

  21. Well, it didn't seem to bother me, a little chilly though, with our weather. It took about 2 mos. to recover. I still have some hair loss on my legs, but what girl is going to complain about that.
    Chupacabras are permanently bald and it doesn't seem to bother them either.

  22. Dear BuffyBelle,
    Yes, but those Chupacabras deserve to be bald, don't you think? Besides, they'd just look silly with hair. :)

  23. Ah, Goatmother is ahead of her time! I didn't realize that if her hair didn't fall out it would mean something with chemo was amiss, so I guess we should all be cheering. Sort of.

    Mrs. Micawber and Snowcatcher are awesome, awesome women! How very cool.

    Since there have been other offers of donated hair or fur, I suppose you don't need any of Oscar's. But I could send it if you run out of other options.

    It sounds like Goatmother still has her sense of humor. Attitudes can make such a difference, can't they?


  24. Dear Ginnie,
    Oh, I dunno'. Oscar hair might add that certain je ne sais qua. :)

  25. Hey-ho my lovie!

    Stopping in for a moment to send hugs and good wishes to you!

    Glad you are feeling not-so-bad.....and hey....any reason to wear a fancy hat, I always say! ;)

    You are such an incredible inspiration.......

    Please know how much I have come to love you through Marigold's are an amazing person.......

    Much love and big huggies!!!!!!!!


  26. Dear MiMi,
    And we love you and Darling Darla too! :) (Well, oops, we forgot Lizzie. Whatever were we thinking?) Thank you for being there with us! :)


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