Sunday, August 12, 2012

You Just Never Know

A couple of days ago, a package arrived in the mail.  It looked like this:

Royal Mail?  What the hay could this be?  Well, as it turns out, it was a wonderful package from our friend Faith (click here to go to her blog) in Wales!  Included in the package was what you see below:

And let me tell you, it is a darned good thing they were included because the waterworks started  right away upon finding the rest of the contents.  So what was it that could elicit such a response, you ask?  It was none other than an effigy of the Goatmother's most beloved alter ego, which you can read about here, in case you missed out.  And not just any old effigy, but one lovingly wrought by the hand of one very skilled artist!  May I present what you see below:

Oh, it's a very cute crocheted doll, you say.  But I assure you, this is not just any crocheted doll.  Take a look at this, my friends :

Yep!  A purple cape with a big 'B' for none other than, ButterBean!!!  Here to bolster the Goatmother and just in the nick of time, for tomorrow will be the LAST chemotherapy treatment!  Now how timely is that?  Just like in the movies, the heroine shows up to save the day!  (We do have one small question for Faith ... why is ButterBean gray?  Is there something you know that we don't about when the Goatmother's hair grows back?  On the other hand, come to think of it, why does ButterBean have hair at all?   I'm just sayin' ...  Don't tell the Goatmother.  Oh, why am I cursed with this ratiocinative nature?)

Now, then,  I wouldn't want you to think this is all that was in that fabulous package from Wales (as if that weren't enough).  Did you see those three beautiful crocheted pansies at ButterBean's feet?  Aren't they lovely?  Still there is one more very special thing, and I will show it to you below:

Do you see what is on that card?  Why it is a VERY good likeness of one philosophically minded goat drawn by the hand of Faith's oldest son!  Now I would say that here is an artist in the making, wouldn't you?  So we thank him most kindly, as well as Faith's middle and youngest sons because, well, we just know they had a hand in helping with the whole project!

Just when we think people can't get any nicer and we can't get any luckier, the Universe has a way of showing us that we're not as smart as we think we are.  We are humbled yet again by the generosity and kindness of these friends, and so very many others.  Most simply, thank you.

So, on to the morrow.  It is not without a little trepidation that we enter this last bout with the Challenger, but we know we can do it.  So many others have and have had so much more to deal with.  So as Princess Leia said to Han Solo, 'A kiss for luck', and we're on our way. (Or was that The Carpenters?)

"Do or do not ... there is no try."  - Yoda


  1. Ahhh....did I not say that ye were loved greatly! :)

    And so, my dearest bloggie friend.....once more into the breach.......and a LAST time, at that!

    I wish you peace....and love....and healing!

    (And also some hair!) ;)

    Let the Future begin!

    all my love-
    The Goat Borrower

  2. Dear Mimi,
    Thank you! With so much love and support, how can we go wrong? :)

  3. So, will Little ButterBean be accompanying the Goatmother tomorrow to her appointment? I think it would be a VERY good idea to have a SuperHero along!
    YAY to Faith for sending such lovely gifts and her son created a very nice likeness of you Marigold! :)

  4. Dear Candy,
    Well, she just might have to do that, seeing as how they don't let goats in the building. Wonder why that is? Oh, well, it is probably because there would be much too much butting the hay out of cancer going on. It would create quite a ruckus. :)

  5. We're certainly maaing for you tomorrow! That is a wonderful gift you received!

  6. Dear Millie,
    A wonderful gift to be sure. We've received so many wonderful gifts and each and every one is cherished beyond words, as are the people who cheer us on and support us. Thank you for being one of them!

  7. What a wonderful doll! I like the long flowing locks, and the cape is perfect. (As are are the pansies and the Marigold portrait.) A very talented family, to be sure.

    Good luck to the Goatmother tomorrow - we're all rooting for her. (And praying.)

  8. Those locks are not of grey, but of course of silver m' dear....ever superhero should have a mane of silver hair don't you think?

    All the very best for tomorrow, we will all be thinking of you!

  9. Dear Mrs. Micawber,
    Yes, with a cape like that, one can get very far! :) Now then, we've been thinking one of those pansies ought to go in ButterBean's hair. What do you think? We *could* put one on the cape, but then we thought that might cause a hitch in the airflow dynamics and slow her down too much.:) Thank you for being with us on this journey, dear Sue! Means a lot!

  10. Dear Faith,
    Ah, yes! Silver! Why did I not realize? Like the Silver Bullet that she is (plus that way she can take out any werewolves that get in the way, can't she?) :) Thank you for the thoughts and prayers! You are special! (and talented!)

  11. What a very lovely, lovely, thoughtful package! And it traveled all the way across the Pond, to get to you. :-)

    Silver is quite the term for your sweet dollie's hair. Or pewter.

    Best of luck with this last round! And of course....

    Lots and lots of gentle hugs,

  12. Dear Auntie,
    Yes, that packaged traveled a long way! Silver is good, Quick Silver we shall call it! :) Thank you for the hugs and thoughts. We will feel them today I am sure! And thanks for being on this journey as well. It is much appreciated!

  13. Dear Goatfarmer,
    Ha! Catchy, that. However I do hope we haven't only just begun. Of course we still have radiation, but hopefully the big guns are out of the way now. :)

  14. Woo Hoo! Thoughts and prayers and general well-wishes heading your way, for this final round of chemo!

  15. Dear Goats and Hounds,
    Thank you so much! It is very much appreciated!!!!

  16. How sweet that the Goatmother got that in the mail. But being self absorbed like I am, any name starting with B is a good thing.
    We are all so happy for the Goatmothers last treatment!

    Now Bring on the hair!

  17. Yes! Here, Here! Bring on the HAIR!!!


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