Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Something Wicked This Way Comes ...


Now THAT'S scary!


  1. THAT IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs, hugs, hugs!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Halloween, Samhain, whatever you call it!!!


  2. Oh those wee little tufts are just precious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Halloween, Samhain, whatever you call it!!!


  3. That's beautiful! You have a radiant (or radioactive) smile! Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween from all of us. :-)

  4. HA!! You are WRONG!! That is BEAUTIFUL!! :)

  5. Oh, now I got quite a chuckle out of that! You are too funny!! But, regardless, your photo is priceless. Smile and all!

  6. Happy Halloween! I love that poem. The pic of the lady.....yep it's beautiful too. Much Love.

  7. Dear Auntie,
    Wait. It isn't scary? It's supposed to be scary! Oh, no.

  8. Dear Millie,
    Probably radioactive. :) And look! It isn't totally white. Who knows how it will really end up. Happy Samhain to you from all of us too! Be sure to pass out the Peanuts to anyone wearing a mask and possessing a tail and horns. Don't do it, however, if they happen to be really red in color.

  9. Dear Candy,
    Oh, shoot. Like I told Auntie, it is supposed to be scary. Now what am I going to do? I'll have to put that stupid green guy back on here. Heaven forbid!

  10. Dear Deb,
    The Goatmother thanks you ... with all her radioactivity and lack of tresses. Good costume, eh? :)

  11. Dear Kelly,
    Me too! Remember that old Lexus commercial where the lady with the fantastic voice recited that? LOVED that! :)

  12. That poem IS very effective.

    And how stylish the Goatmother looks in her ultra-pixie 'do. It really shows off her beautiful eyes and lovely smile. In fact it looks so good, I think she should consider keeping it short and sassy!

    You know, Marigold, when you warned us that today's post would be scary, I was hoping for a photo of you in costume. But I suppose you took the easy route and dressed up as a goat.


  13. Dear Turbo,
    Happy Haroo - ween to you, my friend! I hope you get lots of Peanuts ... er... well, maybe bacon, in your Trick or Treat sack!

  14. Dear Mrs. Micawber,
    Okay. That does it. Next year I'm dressing up as a GIANT PEANUT!!!

  15. Loved that. And pretty good looking, aren't you?!


  16. Dear Pearl,
    Oh, surely you mean me and not the Goatmother? I mean, I do have such a svelte shape and beautiful ears. I'm just sayin' ... :)

  17. J(glad to see your face!)November 1, 2012 at 10:54 AM

    Oh goatmother, you look AMAZING!!! I never thought you would look great with short hair! Are you going to keep it short after it grows in more??? And, you have the most incredible eyes...I think shorter hair brings out the dark, mysterious blue. Now you made me cry.

  18. Dear J,
    The Goatmother says, humbly, thank you. Now if only she had eyelashes! :)

  19. I love, love LOVE you!

    You are beautiful!
    (and a little spooky, too......)


  20. Awwe, you made me teary and for a queen, that doesn't happen very often! Love your smile and sparkly, blue eyes and yes, I agree..keep the short's very becoming...sorry Marigold...I'm talkin to your Goatmother this time!! :)You can't scare me!!

  21. Dear MiMi,
    Yeah, that Goatmother is kinda' spooky. But at least not as bad as that little Green Dude.

  22. Dear Queen Quattra,
    Sheesh. Don't tell her all that stuff. She'll get too uppity and will refuse to give out the Peanuts. And don't get teary either, 'cuz, ya' know, that just makes the Peanuts soggy. :)

  23. Not scary to me at all. I see light and joy coming out of those eyes, and I suspect there's a bit of peach fuzz atop that head. Just looking at this photo makes me very happy.

  24. Dear SnowCatcher,
    It's not scary? Aw, shucks! :)

  25. Oh my're right!! Soggy peanuts?? Never!!

  26. Dear Queen Quattra,
    Crisp and crunchy is so much better. But I do have to admit even soggy they are probably still okay. As long as they aren't out and out WET!:)

  27. Well, we goats are shaved of hair for the goat shows and are considered more attractive without hair so I don't see a problem.

  28. Dear BuffyBelle,
    I know. What IS up with that anyway? Of course we look better with our hair. Whatever are those judges thinking anyway? Oy. Oh, well. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder and judges must not have very good eyes.

  29. Goatmother is beautiful!!! I love the short hair, it really makes her eyes and smile "pop"!

  30. Dear Goats and Hounds,
    The Goatmother says, 'Awwww, shucks. Thanks!' Eloquent isn't she? :)


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)