Sunday, December 9, 2012

Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhh!!!

Large, Peanut-Shaped Asteroid Headed Toward Earth


  1. Uh oh! Did Somegoat wish for a giant peanut?

  2. Surely no goat would do that. But then again it is Christmas. :)

  3. If it crashes, will it cover the Earth with Peanut butter?

    Waaaait a second ... isn't this the year the world is supposed to end? Did the Aztecs (or Mayans or whoever they were) happen to mention peanuts in their prophecies?

    (Does John Cusack know about this?)

  4. Dear Mrs. Micawber,
    I don't know, but what a way to go.

  5. Dear Marigold,
    How ever do you stay up on peanut news? Do you do a daily google search?

  6. Dear Terry,
    As my friend, Mr. Monk, used to say ... it's a gift ... and a curse.

  7. Marigold, that giant peanut is the Iowan angel's Christmas present to you. AND, yes, it is a Santa sack FULL of peanuts!!! ;)

  8. Dear SnowCatcher,
    Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo!!!!! I KNEW I'd been good!

  9. I sure hope a few of those peanuts fall out of the giant peanut Santa sack and land here for my goat girls!! :)

  10. Dear Candy,
    Sure looks like there ought to be enough to go around to me. :)

  11. Dear Ginnie,
    I don't know. I was waiting for that Peanut Butter...or perhaps it is filled with little tiny Peanuts. One never knows.


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)