Saturday, October 21, 2017

There Is Never Really An End ...

It is with great sadness that this will be the last entry of Marigold made by me, Watson, her long-time confidant and partner in solving the mysteries of life.  She was my wise and true friend for almost 13 years.  She shared her philosophy with us all and made us laugh in the process.  If only the world could be as that seen through her eyes ... taking things in stride, never getting angry over little things, persevering in the face of adversity, always finding the silver lining, and above all accepting and loving others even though they are different than you - even Alpines.  Going on without her will be difficult, but she will never, ever, ever be forgotten.  Rest in peace my dear friend...and say hello to Boo and Cookie for us, please.


  1. So very sorry for your loss. I really enjoyed her (your) posts. She will be missed.

  2. I am so sorry to see another great goat story telling leaving us. She was truly a special girl. Condolences from all of us at Eden Hills.

  3. It's so difficult to believe Marigold has traveled across the bridge to goat heaven, and so difficult to even picture her living quarters without her. I hope her journey was not one of suffering, and I hope the goat parents will always treasure the precious memories Marigold leaves behind. We will miss you, Marigold!

  4. Thank you!!!! But never just never know if when one door closes, another opens. :)

  5. The goatparents could NEVER forget Marigold and will naturally treasure all the wonderful memories. But stay tuned....all may not be lost completely.

  6. We will never forget you, dear Marigold. xox

  7. The world will never be quite the same without you, Marigold.

    (But I see you've found a way to keep in touch - you go, goat girl!)

  8. Oh Miss Marigold - and goat parents - I am very saddened to hear that you have left us. Please go find my own that have left too early - Cleo, Harry, and my CC will introduce you to the rest of my gang. They’re a great group of goats, and they won’t try to steal your peanuts. Their heaven is filled with Triscuits....

  9. Dear Ms. Denise,
    Hey, ho! Watson here. I shall pass on your advice. Although, something tells me Marigold has already found all the sacred Peanuts and is likely hoarding them. Good thing they are looking for the Triscuits. :)

  10. Helen and everyone at Fiveacres sends their condolences. We might not have blogged in a while, but we'll never forget Marigold.

  11. Thank you! And maybe me, Watson, will get around to posting some more. It could happen. :)

  12. I’m sorry to read about the passing of Marigold. My Tubey left this world earlier in 2017. Thank you for your friendship and support during his Presidential Campaign.

    Regards, Turbo’s Human

  13. Dear Mother of Tubey,
    Perhaps Marigold and Tubey are holding yet another election on the other side. Wish Tubey were still here to run. We could certainly use him!!!!! At any rate, we are very sorry to hear of Tubey's passing. We hope that Marigold and he have met up and are conspiring as we speak.


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)