Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Alas, To Dream...

The goatmother had a dream last night. The goatmother has a lot of dreams. Quite often they are very interesting dreams. As a matter of fact, Dr. Freud would probably have had a field day with the goatmother. Nonetheless, last night the goatmother dreamed that she was working for the District Attorney. In performance of her duties, she opened the window in order to retrieve some important papers from a 'messenger' who had climbed up the side of the building using some sort of strange suction device. As she took the proffered papers, she happened to look down. There was Boo climbing up the side of the building just below the messenger. Good Goats In Heaven!!! Boo can't even get off the ground, let alone up the vertical side of a multi-storied building. Oy. You know, Carl Jung believed dreams to be a window to our unconscious. Perhaps the goatmother has this fond wish that if Boo could climb up the side of a brick building, the bricks would wear her hooves down and there would be no need for the battle that is the trimming of the hooves. On the other hand, perhaps her window is just fogged up.


  1. But you know, even Sigmund said that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And perhaps Boo is just a big brick house who really sucks at climbing.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I needed this today. Thank you.

  3. Tag! You're it Baby Belle! Go to my blog for details. ajourneyinyourdreams.blogspot.com

  4. Tag! You're it Marigold! Go to my blog for details. :)

  5. Btw, that was me that left the obscene laughing comment on this blog. Apparently I was signed on under my husbands screen name. Oops. :)

  6. Dear DCV,
    First of all, did you realize you have tagged Baby Belle on my blog? She is 'far reaching' but I am not sure she is quite that far reaching.
    Second, yes, I figured out who 'slamthecellardoor' was because I am a very smart goat.
    Three, Okay, I did post 7 things. I had to think VERY hard as I am 'an open book' for the most part.

  7. I know, I know. I was leaving comments on everybody's blog and got all confused and had open a comment screen and the picture right next to the comment boxy is Baby Belles and... you can figure the rest out!


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)