Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blog Tagged

Oy. Apparently I have been 'Blog Tagged'. The rules of this 'event' are as follows:
  • Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
  • Post the rules on your blog.
  • Post 7 random or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
  • Tag 7 people and link to them.
  • Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
I must say, this is a problem. First of all, I do not know of any other goats (aside from Baby Belle, who has already been tagged) who write a blog. Thus, it would be impossible for me to butt...I mean, 'tag' anyone else. Still I am a good sport (of sorts) and I suppose I might be able to come up with 7 random, and probably wonderful, facts about myself that no one knows. Hmmm...

No. 1 - I am secretly in love with a fainting buck by the name of 'Gunner' who lives in Tennessee. Who would have guessed? He has the MOST beautiful, long and luxurious beard I have ever seen and a set of horns to match. What a man!!!!

No. 2 - Banana peels are an okay snack.

No. 3 - I have an irrational fear of 'weiner' dogs. They look harmless enough, but something that long and that short, at the same time, just has to have issues. I have nightmares about them crossing with coyotes. Oy.

No. 4 - I hold a secret belief that all La Mancha goats are really aliens.

No. 5 - I have fantasies of becoming a Super Model and being on the cover of Cosmopolitan.

No. 6 - Peanut butter is a government plot to smash perfectly good Peanuts in order to make them less palatable to goats. (It won't work...we'll take them any way we can get them).

No. 7 - I really like Watson and Peanut. It is just that I have an image to maintain. Shhhh. Don't tell.

So, okay, there you have it, such as it is. All thanks to DCV at

Now, aren't you sorry you asked??? Oy.


  1. MG - Thanks for sharing about yourself. I am continually amazed to discover what a complex and fascinating goat you are. You have unplumbed depths.

  2. Dear Yang,
    Thank you. I am complex aren't I? I have been wondering what happened to you. Nice to see you. :)

  3. Hi, Marigold! We can actually help you with the Cosmo cover. Check out this website: (it's where Ari got her National Geographic cover). And by the way, the image of a weiner dog/coyote cross is going to stick with us for the rest of the day. Very, very creepy!

  4. Ha, ha, ha - you crack me up, Marigold! You are a very funny goat!! You might want to see someone about your obsession with peanuts, though. While they are, indeed, a "good fat", you know what they say about too much of a good thing... :-)


I love comments almost as much as Peanuts, so please feel free to leave them. (I did say almost, didn't I?)