I have been concentrating, to the best of my ability, on NOT butting Watson. I'm doing pretty well, actually, which is more than I can say for 'Jaws', the Nubian. 'Jaws' takes a bite and Watson faints. It is getting to be old stuff, if you ask me. Personally, I just think this whole diet thing is making her cranky. Now nobody gets ANY grain! Thank you very much, Miss Waddles!!! At least the goatmother hasn't had the heart to cut out the Peanuts. If that happened, Goatie Bar The Door!!! I would have to consider taking up butting Watson again!
So, there you have it. The birds are singing, the sun is shining (well, mostly...this is Washington), the grass is growing, and somewhere in the good ole' U.S. of A., this year's crop of Peanuts is growing too. All is right with the world. Ahhh, summer!
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