Well, no matter. I'll ponder that question on my stump a bit later. For now, though, how cool is that?! Second Place! What a guy! I suppose Ella will have her nose all out of joint about it. She doesn't think anyone is supposed to get any attention but her. Shhhhhhh. Maybe she won't find out and then we can all have a little peace. In the meantime, way to go, Watson!!!
1 comment:
Dear Marigold,
just heard the news about dear Watson! Myotonic Cyberspace??? Is Watson an alien? I think " wether " may mean, wether this world or another. Holy Capricorn! No wonder he likes animal crackers and not peanuts!! Wow! You are so lucky to have dear Watson! I'm sure you planned this all along! I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but I suspect Watson is part of your GOATLAND SECURITY project! Hmmmm ...... I'm thinkin that I need to talk de donna into getting me one of those fainting goats!
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