The witching hour is upon us. Goblins are gobbling. Ghosts are moaning. Monsters are wreaking havoc. Bats are flying (or not, depending on if they have recently landed on anyone's head and been knocked senseless). Spiders are spinning. Black cats are traversing the land in opportunistic search of well-mulched flowerbeds. The veil between the worlds thins as we speak. Look carefully. You may just catch a glimpse of a dark form gliding past the moon, wearing a large black hat with a red buckle. BaaHaHaHaHa!!! Do not be afraid. Simply leave Peanuts on the doorstep.
Dear Marigold,
look fabulous in that hat!!
The Dirty Sisters and Mishia are kinda spooked about Halloween but not me and Goatee!
Sammy, our solid black cat, is gonna get a special fish treat tonight and those pesty canines, Meco and Berkley, get to have a nice juicey bone! At least they think it is nice! And, we capricorns are getting sliced apples, sliced carrots , peanuts, and maybe a little trail mix!!! I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!
The Dirty Sisters like the food part but they do not like this BIG BAD pooty cat that has been coming around! It is pretty scary!! de donna calls it a cougar and I call it a pain in the backside since we now have to get locked up at night!! I'd rather have bats and witches than these BIG POOTY CATS!!
Well, BOOOO to you and Ella,Peanut, Watson and Boo!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
The Sweet Pea
Love the hat, Marigold! Between you and Baby Belle's blogs, you guys have inspired me to start my own farm blog. I'd love to put you guys' blog links on mine so other people can discover how ridiculously clever and adorable you guys are! Keep up the good work!
Why 'thank'ee' M'am! :)
BOOTIFUL Marigold!
From Amos & the gang
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