And when I say, 'took up residence', that is exactly what I mean. As in 'refused to move'! No amount of cajoling, banging of loud metallic surfaces, or even Peanuts (unbelievable though this may seem) could convince this pair they hadn't just checked into the Las Vegas Hilton. The goatfather pondered this dilemma in true philosophical style. (I graciously offered him the use of my stump, but he declined ).
The raccoons could not be allowed to remain where they were. First of all, it was daylight and there was just something disconcerting about this. Second, raccoons have been known, on occasion, to become quite fierce and no one, most especially we goats, considered this to be acceptable. So a brilliant idea came to the goatfather. Bravely he approached the tree, weapon in hand. One shot from the water hose set on 'jet stream' and Paris and Nicky were off for Maui. I certainly hope they don't get lost again. They could end up on the other side of the yard in the Goat Hilton. Oy vay.
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