Well, anyway, I guess the Greeks came up with the number 7 because it was supposedly the number of 'perfection and plenty'. Come to think of it, I guess 7 Peanuts isn't really a bad number, so maybe they were on to something. At any rate, they didn't really call them 'wonders' back then either. Their word was apparently, thaumata, which supposedly means something more like 'things to be seen'. Now that makes more sense to me. Take a break in between conquerings to go about and see a few things. Heaven knows you wouldn't have time while the conquering was going on - far too busy looking over your shoulder I should think.
So with that little bit of background, I humbly present to you the 7 Wonders of the World - at least as far as I could figure them out. But, hey!, what do I know? I'm just a goat, and not even a Greek goat at that.
Now, first, we have the revered Great Peanut Pyramid of Geezers. Many old men took an inordinate amount of time to create this magnificent wonder. Time well spent on a worthwhile project, if you ask me. Keeps them off the streets too.

The Colossus of Blyn.